Tuesday, November 20, 2012

EteRNA -

EteRNA is the first-ever global laboratory where scientists, educators, students, online gamers, and any human being with a strong interest in unlocking the mystery of life will collectively help solve world's biggest scientific problems.

RNA, or ribonucleic acid, is a substance that our cells use to translate and express genetic information from our DNA. We now know that folding and shape-shifting allows RNA and its partners to control the cell in a predictable fashion. However, the full biological and medical implications of these discoveries are still being worked out.

By playing EteRNA, you will help extend and curate the first large scale library of synthetic RNA designs. You play by designing RNAs, tiny molecules at the heart of every cell. If you win the weekly competition your RNA is synthesized and scored by how well it folds. Your efforts will help us understand, dissect, and control the functional properties of real and designed RNAs from bacteria, viruses, and our own cells. Join the global laboratory!


Monday, November 12, 2012

Nov. 11, 2012 Scrimmage

Bionic Stallions at the First Lego League Scrimmage at the Boys and Girls Club. Testing robots, meeting other teams, and having fun!
  "I am so proud of this team ... working hard over the school break. That hard work paid off with a third place score!" Coach Hester